Well, I can say this year was a bit better than last in terms of travel and adventures, but still not the jet-setting lifestyle that I’ve been so used to before starting school. That’s ok, though, life revolves in seasons, right? So without further adieu, here’s my 2015 in review.
Where I Was
Spring | seattle, mexico
Summer | seattle, vashon island, olympic peninsula
Fall | arizona, seattle, olympic peninsula
Winter | seattle, california
1. Oaxaca
Finally, a trip out of the country! It has been way too long since I boarded a plane and headed to someplace new and exciting. My last international trip (not including Canada) was way back in 2012 when I explored Ecuador for six glorious weeks. Gah! What has my life come to… Anyway, Oaxaca was amazing.

2. 30th Birthday on Vashon Island
Noah is the most amazing boyfriend ever. He planned this romantic getaway to Vashon Island for my 30th birthday complete with a hand-typed treasure hunt of sorts, homemade carrot cake by the water, an 8-course dinner at La Boucherie, and a very romantic evening at Sweet Breeze’s farm Airbnb. Sigh.

3. Arizona
Noah and I headed to Arizona for a long, relaxing weekend of wedding festivities and desert hiking in Sedona. I’d never been to Arizona before, so it was a great introduction to southwest adventures and I’m looking forward to going back!

4. Graduation
The day has finally arrived. After three long years of pursuing my master’s degree in nutrition, I’m finally done! It feels sooo good to be finished with all that school works and projects and I’m beyond excited to get back some semblance of a normal life. Here’s to getting my life back ?

5. A Weekend in Sequim
For a little weekend escape, Noah and I headed over to his parent’s place on the Olympic Peninsula for a few days of cooking up recipes for The Traveling Fork, photographing them, and relaxing by the fire with hot toddies in hand. If only every day could be like this…

6. Christmas in Bishop California
Christmas this year was spent with my family at my brother and his girlfriend’s place in Bishop, California. I’d never been to the Eastern Sierra before and I instantly fell in love the moment I spied the towering mountains, open vistas, hot springs, and everything else the Eastern Sierra has to offer. It’s a magical place.

My Year In Numbers
Countries visited | 2
united states, mexico
New countries visited | 0
States visited | 3
washington, arizona, california
Plane rides taken | 8
Different sleeping situations | 5
airbnb: 5
airplane: 2
apartment: 331
camping: 5
mexican cabana: 5
family: 10
My Year In Feels
This year has been really good! Our trip to Mexico in the spring did wonders to lift my wanderlust void and Noah and I went on several other adventures throughout the year. Graduating from Bastyr also lifted a huge burden off my shoulders and the fact that I landed a great health coaching job just a few months after graduating was a big relief. To be honest, though, I don’t 100% love working from home, especially in Seattle where the rainy, cold, gray days would feel a lot more bearable if I were surrounded by people to distract me from the gloominess. But Traveling Fork is keeping us busy and entertained. I love creating new recipes for the blog and Noah enjoys practicing his food photography skills. Where it will go, who knows (some food bloggers make thousands of dollars each month from their food blogs), but it’s fun for now even if our grocery bills has shot up tenfold.
Another highlight of this year was spending Christmas in Bishop. It’s rare that the four of us are ever together in one spot anymore, so it’s extra nice to be able to spend Christmas as a family and with our SO’s.

What’s In Store For 2016
We already have some fun trips planned for the new year! The most impending is a two-week vacation to Spain, which I literally can’t wait for. I’ve been researching nonstop places to go, things to do, and restaurants to eat at. Also, the fact that I work from home now and can work anywhere in the US will most likely result in several road trips and maybe even a few adventures farther afield.
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