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  1. Re “Hoh Rainforest: You won’t be able to bike to here”: You can bike to the Hoh campground, though it’s 18 miles off of Hwy 101. Folks bike the entire loop of Hwy 101 around the Olympic Peninsula, though it’s obviously not for the novice cyclist.

    1. Thanks for that tip. I’m not a road rider, so that wasn’t on my radar. I have heard of people cycling the whole Olympic Peninsula – it looks beautiful!

  2. This is great info! I have one other question – I see on some maps that there is about a 3-mile span from where the trail cuts down from the Strait of Juan Hwy below whisky creek beach area, and links to the northern part of Lake Crescent that some people say is ‘unpaved’. Do you know if that is old info and it is paved now? We have very thin road bike tires and want to be sure to avoid any gravel. Thanks!

    1. If you stay on the designated Olympic Discovery Trail, it is all paved except for the 7 miles outside of Port Townsend. On this map, they’re actually showing the Olympic Adventure Route, which is dirt, but you can stay on the paved Joyce Piedmont Rd that parallels it to the right.

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