While I have always loved to ride bikes, mountain biking didn’t really become an ‘obsession’ until a few years ago. I would ride with my dad and brother when I could in between my travels around the world (read more about my story here) and I would always opt to explore a new city by bike, but truthfully Ashtanga yoga was my main focus. For a long time.
And then I moved to the Eastern Sierra of California and all that changed. I guess the rocky, rooty, slippery, steep trails of the east coast just didn’t incite my enthusiasm for the sport like the lift-served DH runs on Mammoth Mountain.
But today, mountain biking is my passion and as a result, I’ve ridden in some pretty amazing places and built up a solid set of skills. And while I have loved (almost) every second of being on my bike and surrounded by the mountain bike community, there are some characteristics of the sport that I didn’t anticipate.
Here are six things I wish I had known before getting into mountain biking.
Looking to learn more about mountain biking? Check out my mountain biking 101 posts to get started!
1. Bikes require maintenance. And it’s not cheap
I rode my first real mountain bike – a Gary Fisher Rumblefish – to death. And then I rode my second mountain bike – a Devinci Troy – also to death. Part of the reason both bikes deteriorated so far (and fast) is because I did not take care of them. I’d lube the chain every few weeks and pump up the tires when they felt soft, but other than that – nothing.
Now that I have a boyfriend/mechanic who is a stickler for quiet drivetrains and smooth suspension I feel guilty when I don’t pump up the tires before every ride.
Bikes require regular maintenance just like cars. Depending on how much and how hard you ride, this could mean servicing your front fork every few months (when is the last time you had your suspension serviced???) and replacing chains a few times a year, among many other maintenance needs.
And to be honest, bike maintenance is not cheap. Thankfully I’ve learned how to do a lot of it myself (ok… I usually ask my boyfriend to do it), but the parts are still expensive and if you want to keep your mountain bike in top shape in order to get a good 3-4+ years out of it then you’re going to need to replace parts often and service components like front and rear suspension, the brakes, and the dropper post frequently.
If you’re not sure what bike maintenance entails, here are a few posts to help you get started:
- Mountain Bike Maintenance Basics + 7 Projects You Can Do At Home
- Building You Home Mountain Bike Tool Kit

2. It’s important to keep stretching & Crosstrain
Ah, yes. From the girl who was a devoted Ashtangi yoga practitioner in her 20’s. Stretching is important. I’ve been battling some pretty awful back pain for the last couple of years and I’m almost certain that I wouldn’t have developed these lower back spasms if I had kept up with my practice. #hindsightsucks. So keep stretching!
It’s also important to do some cross-training like weights, swimming, climbing, or other forms of exercise. Biking primarily uses the leg, hip, and lower back muscles and doesn’t do a whole lot for the core or arms.
I’ve started incorporating home weight routines 3-5 times a week and not only have they made me stronger, but they’ve also helped me crush PR’s on both the uphills and downs.
3. Your legs will forever be scarred (especially if you choose flat pedals)
My legs. My poor, poor legs. Rarely does a ride wrap up without at least one bloody pin strike or angry red sagebrush scratch on my lower half. If you ride – and ride a lot – your legs will not come away unscathed.
This is especially true if you choose to ride on flat pedals (as opposed to clipless pedals) because the nasty little pins that are ‘supposed’ to keep your feet glued to the pedal oftentimes bite your calves and shins and even other places that seem impossible.
(Yes, I choose to keep riding on flats even though my legs look like a baby tiger mauled them).

4. It’s still a ‘guys’ sport
I was recently putting together a post on the best full-length mountain bike movies to watch during quarantine and there was one stark disparity: there are virtually no women in 99% of the movies.
True, most of these movies were made ten or more years ago, but even today women are sorely underrepresented in the sport. But I guess you can say that for any sport can’t you?
Anyway, this isn’t a bash on all the dude mountain bikers or sports politics, but I do wish that more women would get into mountain biking.
It is changing – slowly – and I’m excited to be a part of Ladies AllRide coaching clinics as a mountain bike coach, so hopefully in the next 10 years women will represent 50% of the badass riders in future mountain bike movies.

5. You will always have bike envy
There will always be a newer bike, a better bike, a cooler bike… Every time you upgrade you’ll think “this is the best bike ever!” and then in six months you’ll see the new model with new geometry and you’ll wish you would have waited.
Bike envy is a real thing, y’all. How do you deal with it? Do what I did and buy four brand new bikes in less than 14 months…
6. Everything seems scarier than it really is
I’m not saying go huck yourself off that huge drop right now, but I am saying that once you build up the courage to ride something – whether it be a big drop or a skinny line – it’s usually not as scary or hard as you made it seem in your mind.
Once you do something once you can (usually) do it again and again with no problem. Breaking through the fear is the hardest part.

If you’re just getting into mountain biking, I hope these reflections help take that next step because mountain biking is truly the best sport in the world! If you’re looking for even more tips, head over to my post on 10 Tips For Beginner Mountain Bikers.
If you’re new to mountain biking, what questions do you have? Or what do you wish you had known before starting? Leave a comment below!
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I love writing about the places I’ve biked and inspiring you to get out and explore the world on your own two wheels. If this post has been helpful, consider showing your thanks with a small donation. It helps me keep TWW going. Thanks and keep your wheels spinning!
I am new to mountain biking and it’s a growing sport in Southern Illinois. We have a small community of mountain bikers and I’ve find that one of the things that has helped me with the fear aspect is having someone more experienced help me and show me the line to take when approaching an scary rock feature. This has helped tremendously for me!
I am needing more education on maintenance and will use suggested articles for self maintenance on some things but I am lucky to have a local bike shop that is great and I know I can depend on!
Thank you for your input! And yes, legs are already scarred from flat pedals in one season!
So great to hear that you have a community of riders! It does really help having ‘trail buddies’ to show you lines or help boost confidence on scary features. Bike maintenance is a skill that needs to be honed just like trail riding – start with the little stuff and you’ll get more comfortable with it. Have a great time out there!
Shoot, I did want to mention that it is hard to see the article through the Ads. There is even a fake reply button that I almost hit. I get the money part but I almost didn’t read it. The bottom bar and the side plus random video ones that float….. ugh. Sorry but it is hard to read.
Thanks for the feedback – I just put ads on my site and I’m still trying to figure out the right balance.
Thank you!!
Love the article. I am so guilty of not maintaining my bike. I will follow your advice.
I disagree, maybe due to where I live or where I view things, I find tons of girl events. I am in Southern California and there are girl races all the time, girl clinics, girl group rides and videos/movies all over YouTube. I don’t think we are deprived in anyway I don’t think too many girls want to switch their make up budget for bike items. AND in order for our men to ride someone needs to watch the kiddos. We that love the sport just need to make the effort. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed reading it! Bike maintenance is an ongoing practice… I’m definitely not perfect at it either! I am finding that more and more women are getting to mountain biking and I’m loving it. Just remember that our men can watch the kiddos when we – women – want to ride as well 😉
Thanks for helping me understand that bike maintenance does not come cheap for most beginners. This only means that there’s a lot of things that I have to do if I want to take this sport seriously. I think that finding a bike shop that I can trust when it comes to gears and services can be a good start.