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  1. Fantastic blog and great to inform my cycle tour round the Nicoya Peninsular in March. A quick question as I am a bit more time limited so will have to shorten it or ride quicker! I see you rode up to about 50 miles a day, but approximately what speed or hours riding time did this correspond too? Many thanks in advance. Guy

    1. Glad you find it helpful! We went pretty slow. Most days we rode for 5-6 hours, but we also stopped a lot to take photos, etc… The riding itself isn’t particularly hard. There are some steep parts and long climbs, but they’re on mostly good dirt roads. Have a great trip!

  2. Great details! My partner and I will be doing this route (a little slower) for a month in December and were curious what app you used to find campgrounds? Thanks for the info, great resource

  3. Thanks a lot for the details of your trip!! Very useful tips!! I will consider them all since I am planning to do it from day 11 to day 14 based on your itinerary next summer in Costa Rica. I wonder if you had any issues with the traffic on those days…

    1. Glad you found it helpful! You shouldn’t have too much traffic on days 11-14 until you get to the outskirts of Liberia (I highly recommend taking the bus into town). Enjoy the singletrack around Catalinas!

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