Year in Review

2014: A Year in Review

2014: A Year in Review

What a dismal year for travel this was. I was basically tethered to school in Seattle during the school year and over the summer I was working non-stop to help alleviate the burden of hefty student loans. But Noah and I did go on some adventures together and I keep reminding myself that school is…

2013: A Year in Review

2013: A Year in Review

I have to say, 2013 hasn’t been the most exciting of years, which is quite the contrast to my previous yearly roundups. School has got me tied down and there’s little time (and money) for big adventures. That being said, 2013 did bring some fun travels, just not as many as I would have liked…

2012: A Year in Review

2012: A Year in Review

Where I Was Spring  | costa rica, panama, ecuador, mexico Summer  |  vermont Fall  | cross country road trip, seattle Winter  | seattle 1. Costa Rica and Panama I’ve officially transited the Panama Canal about 20 times. Very exciting news, I know. Early in the year, I did a contract on the National Geographic Sea…

2011: A Year In Review

2011: A Year In Review

Where I was Looking back on 2011, it seems like I was a pretty busy chica, in terms of traveling at least. 13 countries, 7 states (not including the ones I drove through), and too many airports to count. And now I’m back where I started! 2011 began with a four-week contract aboard the NG…