2023 in Review: I Bought A Van + Some Big Travels
Curious about how 2024 went down for me? Read about where I was, what I did, whether I achieved my goals from 2023, and what’s in store for 2024.
Curious about how 2024 went down for me? Read about where I was, what I did, whether I achieved my goals from 2023, and what’s in store for 2024.
2022 was a packed year full of adventures, challenges, travel, and more. Here’s my Two Wheeled Wanderer year in review and look into 2023.
Welcome to a New Year! While 2021 wasn’t quite the redemption year we all had been hoping for after the car crash of 2020, it was still significantly better in my book. I hope yours was, too! I finally got to do some international travel, which I hadn’t done since 2018 ?. It was amazing…
Wow, what a year 2020 was, right? Between the ramifications of COVID, distressing politics, catastrophic wildfires, hurricanes, and who knows what else, it was definitely a year to remember. And while there were a lot of gut-wrenching things that happened over the last 12 months, there were some things to celebrate as well (like more…
What is it with these tumultuous years lately? Like 2017 and 2018, this year has been a rollercoaster. It started off with an intense and exciting romantic prospect that quickly crashed and burned and left me – honestly – feeling pretty bruised and battered. That combined with the falling out with a good friend/mountain biking…
2018 was a year of many ups and downs. Like 2017, this year was all about change. Some of it is good, some of it not so good, but all of it is part of my story for better or worse. I was on the go for much of the year from Central America to…
I’m going to be honest here, I’m glad 2017 is over. It was a hard year for me for many reasons (see hardships below), but on the flip side, it was also a year of tremendous change and growth. I’ve learned that sometimes we need to be beaten down in order to rediscover what makes…
2016 was full of adventures! I think I was making up for all the lost time spent studying and test-taking while in school these past three years 🙂 Our biggest trip was a three-week road trip around Spain and France in the spring (amazing!) but Noah and I also went on plenty of smaller adventures…
Well, I can say this year was a bit better than last in terms of travel and adventures, but still not the jet-setting lifestyle that I’ve been so used to before starting school. That’s ok, though, life revolves in seasons, right? So without further adieu, here’s my 2015 in review. Where I Was Spring |…