Year in Review

Mountain biker on red dirt singletrack trail in Sedona beautiful red rock formations in distance

2020: A Year in Review

Wow, what a year 2020 was, right? Between the ramifications of COVID, distressing politics, catastrophic wildfires, hurricanes, and who knows what else, it was definitely a year to remember. And while there were a lot of gut-wrenching things that happened over the last 12 months, there were some things to celebrate as well (like more…

2019: A Year in Review

2019: A Year in Review

What is it with these tumultuous years lately? Like 2017 and 2018, this year has been a rollercoaster. It started off with an intense and exciting romantic prospect that quickly crashed and burned and left me – honestly – feeling pretty bruised and battered. That combined with the falling out with a good friend/mountain biking…

2017: A Year In Review

2017: A Year In Review

I’m going to be honest here, I’m glad 2017 is over. It was a hard year for me for many reasons (see hardships below), but on the flip side, it was also a year of tremendous change and growth. I’ve learned that sometimes we need to be beaten down in order to rediscover what makes…

2016: A Year in Review

2016: A Year in Review

2016 was full of adventures! I think I was making up for all the lost time spent studying and test-taking while in school these past three years 🙂 Our biggest trip was a three-week road trip around Spain and France in the spring (amazing!) but Noah and I also went on plenty of smaller adventures…

2015: A Year in Review

2015: A Year in Review

Well, I can say this year was a bit better than last in terms of travel and adventures, but still not the jet-setting lifestyle that I’ve been so used to before starting school. That’s ok, though, life revolves in seasons, right? So without further adieu, here’s my 2015 in review. Where I Was Spring  |…